Category: Terrariums

  • 10 Best Animals & Insects For A Closed Terrarium

    10 Best Animals & Insects For A Closed Terrarium

    The main aspect of making terrariums is the aesthetic art of creating a little garden and decorating it according to your personal style. But terrariums can be so much more than that, and merely observing them can become that much better once you add real bioactivity. Adding creatures and animals to your terrarium will transform…

  • How Long Do Terrariums Last (If Properly Cared For) + Pro Tips

    How Long Do Terrariums Last (If Properly Cared For) + Pro Tips

    We all want our beautiful terrariums to thrive and bloom as long as possible and always be as vibrant as they are when we built them. But, how long do they actually last? Under optimal conditions and when properly cared for terrariums can last for decades. Though the average terrarium only lasts from four months…

  • How Often Should You Water Closed Terrarium Plants

    How Often Should You Water Closed Terrarium Plants

    Water, light, and heat, are the basic moving pieces of maintaining a healthy and blooming terrarium. And while all are fairly simple to get right for more experienced terrarium builders, everyone started with the exact same google searches looking for the right answers. One of the main ones is, how often should you water your…

  • 11 Aquatic/Semi-Aquatic Plants For Terrariums & Paludariums

    11 Aquatic/Semi-Aquatic Plants For Terrariums & Paludariums

    Many water/aquatic plants can be grown in a terrarium or paludarium, submerged or above water. These plants can be included in open or closed terrariums, terrarium ponds (also known as paludariums), closed ecosystems or even planted terrariums for pet reptiles or amphibians. If you want to add some greenery, diversity, a livelier ecosystem and aesthetic…

  • 16 Best Animals For Your Desert Terrarium

    16 Best Animals For Your Desert Terrarium

    Many terrarium builders own a wide variety of terrariums that resemble diverse biomes. One of the most popular terrarium biomes to make is the desert terrarium, as it’s generally very easy to make, and is an excellent habitat for a lot of reptiles and other desert animals that people like to keep as pets. The…